Our staff includes:
Medical Information Technicians: These folks will make appointments for you, check you in and out on each visit, update your personal and insurance records in our secure computer database, and assist you with any questions or problems.
Certified Ophthalmic Assistants, Technicians, and Technologists: These folks will perform preliminary testing before you see your ophthalmologist. They also perform special tests, as ordered by your doctor and they assist with laser and minor surgical procedures in the office.
Certified Opticians & Fashion Eyewear Consultants: These folks will help you select the best eyeglass frames both for a stylish appearance and to provide you with optimal vision. They also edge the lenses, adjust the frames, and help you to select the most appropriate lens style for your individual needs.
Administrative Personnel: These folks include our Surgery Coordinators, who schedule surgical procedures as well as all required pre-operative testing, our Insurance Billers, who will electronically bill your insurance plan for you and answer any questions about your account, and our Office Manager, who oversees and trains the staff and assists our physicians with all aspects of our practice.